Karma: Looking at our Professions

I wonder what happens if karma is taken into account with our professions?
Karma is the Hindu concept that one brings upon oneself inevitable results, either good or bad, in this life or some next life. So I can understand that when one does something good, it comes back to bless you. The reverse is true with bad actions.
I’m not sure about neutral actions, though, and also our professions. Some jobs seem inherently good or bad – they’re obvious and universally understood. But what about all the work in the gray areas?

If you turn down a loan to someone, for example, you could be keeping them out of an inordinate amount of debt…or preventing them from owning a home or a building a business.
I don’t mean to single out any one profession, though, so I’ve developed a set of questions to ask ourselves about our work.

If your work racked up karma for you, would you like the karma you’ve got?

  • What verb describes your work?
  • What verb describes your hobbies or what you do with your free time?
  • What verb describes the way you are with your loved ones?
  • What verb describes the way you are with your co-workers, neighbors, community, strangers, etc.?
  • Would you want the Universe to bring that energy right back to you?


Photo credit: Noah