What it’s like being a digital nomad: working from the road

What it’s like being a digital nomad: working from the road

Since February of 2016, I’ve worked while traveling. I’m a marketing professional serving non-profits and small businesses around online fundraising, website and social media management, e-newsletters, and integrated marketing campaigns. All my work can be done online or on the phone, so I took the opportunity this year to move, explore, and see new places while working with clients.

It’s not always easy, but it’s definitely possible and I thought I’d devote a blog post to describing how I work. This may clarify some things with potential clients, but it may also answer some questions from aspiring digital nomads.

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Batch Cafe & Bar: The One Place You Have to Visit in Tucson

Batch Cafe & Bar: The One Place You Have to Visit in Tucson

I recently visited Tucson, but I basically hunkered down and used the city for a work retreat. I worked on client projects, blogged and made progress on my own creative stuff. Still, the one thing I won’t neglect in any city is the coffee scene. I visited nearly ten coffee shops in my 11 days in Tucson and yet one stood out. Batch Cafe & Bar actually stood head and shoulders above the rest.

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Review: Clearer Thinking Time-Money Calculator

Review: Clearer Thinking Time-Money Calculator

How much do you value your time? Answers may vary. Some may say “very valuable,” while another person may get very specific with “$15/hour.” Another person, if asked to give up time doing something they love, might say they’d need $100/hour, which directly contradicts the $15/hour previously. So how much do you really value your time?

I took a survey from ClearerThinking.org and found that I am full of contradictions when it comes to my time AND money. (Although, as you’ll see below, I’m also fairly consistent.)

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Time Blocking: Working to Max Efficiency

Time Blocking: Working to Max Efficiency

Time blocking is one of my favorite life techniques. I won’t say “life hacks,” because it’s not a hack: it’s just an obvious and careful planning tool.

I first shared a video from Fast Company on time blocking in 2011. I had already been using the technique for at least a year, so this brings me up on 6 years I’ve organized my life this way.

What is Time Blocking?

Time blocking is a way to organize your time, whether for work projects, personal projects, goals or even regular household tasks.

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The Daily Routines of Famous Creative People

The Daily Routines of Famous Creative People

I’m fascinated by how things (and people) work. So imagine how interested I was in this infographic about the daily routines of famous creative people.

Once you’ve got a handle on the color coding and the creative people documented in it, click on the image to bring it up in a new tab.

On the Podio webpage, you can toggle between the daily routines. Interested in the sleep routines of your favorite creatives? Click on Sleep in the legend and you’ll only see that category in the chart. Likewise, with creative work, day jobs, etc.

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