Writing About Art

Writing About Art

Later this month, I’m going to take a class, Writing About Art with Marc Awodey, at Studio Place Arts.  I’m so excited!  Check out this description:

Writing About Art

“There’s more to visual art than meets the eye, and writing about an exhibition contextualizes the show while encouraging the writer to consider work at a deeper level.  In this workshop we’ll be visiting and discussing exhibitions at local venues such as the Governor’s office, The Supreme Court lobby, and the T.W. Wood Gallery in addition to spending time with the shows at SPA.

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Karma: Looking at our Professions

Karma: Looking at our Professions
I wonder what happens if karma is taken into account with our professions?
Karma is the Hindu concept that one brings upon oneself inevitable results, either good or bad, in this life or some next life. So I can understand that when one does something good, it comes back to bless you. The reverse is true with bad actions.
I’m not sure about neutral actions, though, and also our professions. Some jobs seem inherently good or bad – they’re obvious and universally understood. But what about all the work in the gray areas?

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Sitting on Top of Mountains

Sitting on Top of Mountains

In this week of posts celebrating the Green Mountain Club’s 100th Birthday, I thought I would get off of the promotional soapbox and just talk about hiking, one of my favorite things to do. Actually, it would be more accurate to say that sitting on top of mountains is actually my favorite thing to do, but hiking to the top is pretty cool too.

The truth is, I work pretty hard. Sometimes my passion for my work becomes drive and focus and, well, Work. I love it, but I also want to strike a balance. That’s when I hike. And I find the most enjoyment in just 100 yards of hiking, not even the whole hike.

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Green Mountain Club 100th Annual Meeting

Green Mountain Club 100th Annual Meeting

The phrase “Annual Meeting” even sounds boring to me. But do not be fooled: the Green Mountain Club Annual Meeting is going to be a blast. After all, it will be the 100th and nothing is worth celebrating more than a Centennial!

Check out the Spring 2010 Long Trail News for the awesome activities taking place year-round. Specifically check out page 7 for info on the annual meeting.

Here’s the rundown:

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Green Mountain Club’s 100th Birthday!

Green Mountain Club’s 100th Birthday!

To celebrate the Green Mountain Club’s 100th birthday, I’ll be posting five days of GMC news this week.

The Green Mountain Club was founded 100 years ago this week by a group of men (women quickly joined and attained active roles in both the front- and back-country) who gathered in Burlington, Vermont to sign a charter. They promptly began bushwacking their way along the spine of the Green Mountains.

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Book Review: Creating a Life Worth Living by Carol Lloyd

Book Review: Creating a Life Worth Living by Carol Lloyd

Right now, my favorite life and career resource is Creating a Life Worth Living by Carol Lloyd. The subtitle is “A practical course in career design for artists, innovators, and others aspiring to a creative life” and does not short shrift those of us who can’t master watercolors or work up the nerve for live performance art, but who nonetheless identify as creative.

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