Prioritize Your Bucket List (Or, How to Die Happy Any Time)

Prioritize Your Bucket List (Or, How to Die Happy Any Time)

This post was previously published on the blog in August 2014.

If you’re like me, you have a lengthy bucket list and all of it sounds fun.  We want to skydive while traveling across Europe on our way to a meditation retreat at which we find the love of our life, right?

How do you prioritize your bucket list and make sure you actually start living your deepest dreams and goals?

Well, I took six steps toward my bucket list and the last two years of my life have been drastically different from the ones before. Give these a try and let us know how the steps work for you:

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The Bucket List Life

The Bucket List Life

I’ve had a “bucket list” since I was about 13 years old. I didn’t call it a bucket list back then, but it was still a list of all the things I wanted to do with my life.

The list is kind of crazy. It runs the gamut, from learning lots of languages to learning how to use nunchucks, from traveling all over the world to living in a town where people know my name at the coffee shop. It’s clear that sometimes I was just on a roll and listed every musical instrument I might want to learn. Other times, careers were on my mind and I wanted to reach for the pinnacle of success. I wrote the list on index cards and added to it over the years.

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